Meet other rangatahi who understand what you’re going through, learn and share ways to cope, and have some fun at the same time.

Something forEVERYONE
We’ve got a range of programmes and camps run by our Clinical Team and tailored to the different cancer experiences of rangatahi. Each with a slightly different focus, but all aim to give you time to connect with others, be active, deal with feelings if you need to, and take time off from cancer. Unpack how you’re feeling during our EXPLORE camp or spend some time getting active, being social, and focusing on you, by joining our CANSURF camp. Or get the opportunity to express your emotions in a supportive, mindful way through our group art therapy programme BIG PICTURE.

Make sense of your SIBLING'S CANCER
If you’re facing the challenge of a sibling’s cancer, hearing from other rangatahi going through the same thing can be helpful. Unpack how you’re feeling on our EXPLORE camp or learn to express your emotions in a supportive and mindful way through our group art therapy programme BIG PICTURE.

Connect with otherRANGATAHI
Learn how to strengthen your connections and coping skills through our SPACE programme, specifically designed for rangatahi who have cancer. If you’re dealing with life after cancer, PLACES YOU’LL GO can give you the strategies to thrive in your ‘new normal’.

Dealing with GRIEF OR LOSS
Dealing with the death of a parent or sibling is one of the hardest things you’ll ever face. No-one understands that better than other rangatahi going through the same thing. Our SENSING OUR GRIEF programme can really help.

If your parent or guardian HAS CANCER
Getting the right guidance now and spending time with other rangatahi in the same boat can really help. TRUCE allows you to connect with others who understand what it’s like when a parent or carer has cancer.