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Canteen understands that cancer affects everything, from how you feel and think, to your relationships and things like education, work, and finances. But what is cancer, and the different types?
Cancer is a disease of the body's cells. Normally cells grow and multiply in a controlled way, however, sometimes cells become abnormal and keep growing. Abnormal cells can form a mass called a tumour.
We've put together some easy to read guides on different cancer types that may affect rangatahi or a member of their whānau.

Programmes and camps
We have a range of programmes and camps tailored to support different cancer experiences and they all aim to connect you with others, keep you active, and support you to deal with feelings if you need to, and take time off from cancer.

Robots Project
We've harnessed the power of cutting-edge technology to create a special programme designed to keep rangatahi aged 12-18 undergoing cancer treatment connected to their classrooms, schoolwork, and peers.

Read through our cancer support resources we have available to help guide you through the challenges of cancer.
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