About us

Canteen is the only national charity in Aotearoa dedicated to supporting rangatahi aged 12-24 impacted by cancer with free, evidence-based psychosocial services.
two young people having fun at a playground


Around 4,200 rangatahi are impacted by cancer every year in Aotearoa. Rangatahi don’t have to face cancer alone. Canteen is a safe space where rangatahi aged 12-24 impacted by cancer can connect, share the tough stuff, and get a break from cancer.
two young people sitting on the grass at a park and having a conversation


Find the latest news from Canteen Aotearoa, featuring updates on our services, partners, and team, as well as empowering stories from the rangatahi we support.

Canteen reports and impact

Take a look at the Canteen Aotearoa annual reports and other information about Canteen’s impact.
Read more
four young people giving each other piggy backs at the beach


Canteen has a proud history of rangatahi leadership, our community was created by rangatahi 35 years ago and is still led by rangatahi today. Canteen is unique in that our Board of Directors includes several Member Directors who were previously supported by Canteen, plus we have incredible Rangatahi Leaders who take on leadership opportunities and share their stories to raise awareness and funds for Canteen.
two young people sitting on the grass at a park and having a conversation


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